Here is what our parents have to say about Al Haramain Madrasah & Qur'an Schools.
Asaalamu Alaik,
I would just like to say that I am fully satisfied with my choice of the Quran School, Alhamdulillah. You have surpassed my expectation and proved to be not like any other institute but a professional organized school focused at delivering the aims of Al-Haramain. I am thoroughly impressed from the management, the volunteers and the teachers who welcomed us with a smile and reassured me a lot about the concerns I have with my son. You guys have gone up and beyond to make us feel comfortable and settle my son, when I collected him after school he had a smile on his face which reassured me more.
The learning materials are fabulous, it's a joy going through the books and the diary I am absolutely in love with it and I have shared it with my friends and family inshallah they will join soon. I cannot thank you enough for giving us a smooth start to the year, I fully appreciate the time and effort everyone has put in and it definitely shows.
My husband is very impressed and we are hoping our son succeeds in learning the Quran and more Insha Allah, Keep up the good work Insha, Allah, if there is anything you need please do not hesitate to contact me I am a willing parent to contribute to the Quran school environment. Jazak Allah Kharan.
Rukshana B Parent
Asalaamu Alaikum Al Haramain
Jazak Allahu Khairan for this wonderful opportunity.
May Allah swt accept this from us all. Thank you to our host, our teachers and everyone involved who made learning possible. It has been a true blessing in this holy month, Ameen
Love and duas
Sister Zam Zam Parent
Asalam Alaikum warahmatullahi
It was my first Khatmah in Hafs style, we ask Allah to write your rewards and make it in your scale of good deeds.
Asalaamu Alaikum
Jazak Allah for the facilities you provided during the lockdown for the kids to carry on learning Alhamdulillah. It was great help in order to motivate my son to memorize Quran as he was looking forward to attending the zoom sessions. We also greatful for the extra Halaqa session which he enjoyed a lot. The Ustadh was very good with his interaction with the kids. The mother sessions during Ramadan was excellent as well as Living The Quran conferences. May Allah rewards you and the whole Al Haramain team for the outstanding efforts... Ameen
Jazak Allah Kharan
Ayesha Khatun Parent
Assalamu Alaikum Brothers,
I just wanted to say Thank you for the work you have done during these difficult times to support the children in their reading and understanding of the Qur’an. I would like to say the speed in which you were able to provide online video classes for the children during this time has been incredible. Especially when you look at how the general UK State schools have not even started video classes at all. May Allah provide barakah in the work you do to provide our children with this vital support.
Mohammad A Wachi Parent
Alhamdulillah brother
It was such a blessing to be part of this session with the renowned Sheikh from Egypt.
May Allah SWT reward you and your team for this and for all the online tutoring you do for our children. Ameen.
Ya Rabbul Al Ameen
I agree with other parents, thank you whole heartedly, having wasted so much money at other Madrasahs for years my family and I are extremely pleased to have Al Haramain Madrasah in our locality! I have 3 children with you, for the first time can you believe my children actually want to come and learn at a Madrasah and I have seen great progress in such a short time.
I will be recommending all my friends for your new intake. Oh yes the advanced features at the Madrasah with technology, especially the portal system and registration logs is amazing and I have not seen these things anywhere. My field is computer science, If you require volunteers I am at your service!
Abdul R Gamal & Family Parent
I like your system, the management were very supportive and helpful with my personal situation, treated me like family. I am happy to be with Al Haramain Family and my children will continue.
A Adetoba Parent
I am happy that my sons memorized more portions of the Quran than I had expected when we initially joined, I am pleased with the portal system, regular communication and the teachers’ quality who emphasize a lot on Tajweed, Allah bless you guys always and you have my full support.
When are you going to open a branch in other areas I have many family members that would be interested to join Al Haramain?
Masood Khan Parent
My children Muaz and Rahmah have learnt a lot with you in this year. I am happy I chose your Madrasa also the big Sheikhs visiting and reading with the kids along with private parents sessions have been very motivational.
Thanks again for the great service and experience
Maryam Butt Parent
The Teaching and Tajweed here is excellent my children been other places where they rush to memorise but don’t focus on correct reading.
A Abdi Parent
Assalam Alaikum,
My son started at Al Haramain this September. I am attending the mother classes as well. I am really happy with the organisation and would like my daughter to join too. She is 4 years old. I didn't register her in the summer as I wanted to see if my son liked it first. Alhamdulillah he really enjoys it. Please let me know if it would be possible to enroll my daughter.
Assalamu Alaikum,
Hope you are in the best of health and eman. This message is to thank you and your teachers this year. In particular, Sheikh Muhammad Zughli. He has been a fantastic teacher and example for our son, Z Hussein. I would be very pleased if he was recognised for that. May Allah reward you and your team.